Affirmation: "My business belongs to God; He is my father, and He gives me everything I need, when I need it."
Scripture: Matthew 7:9-11 (NIV)
Song: "Good Good Father" by Chris Tomlin
Every day it seems as though things are changing for the worst. If you allow your thoughts to drift uncontrolled for too long, you may start to worry that calamity is just over the horizon and that we’re all doomed. While there are talks of government relief, we business owners may still be concerned that our businesses might end up on life support. Just like we care about the health of our natural children, we are just as protective of our “business babies.”

Our affirmation for the day declares that our businesses belong to God. If that is truly what we believe, then we must also believe that the accompanying bills and responsibilities are His, too. I know we pray about our businesses, but how many of us pray “for” our businesses? Do we take our monthly bills and other recurring concerns before Him and ask Him to take care of them?
Consider the dad who buys his teen child a car for their birthday. Not only is he proud that he could treat his child to such a gift, it is his pleasure to ensure that the car is safe and properly maintained. I believe that our Heavenly Father feels the same way when He gives us the gift of enterprise. He knows He can trust us to be good stewards of the opportunities He has presented, so He is pleased to allow us to bring them to life.
Things go wrong, though, when we feel that it is our responsibility to take care of His business. We become so “independent” and goal focused that we forget who the real owner is. In those moments, God doesn’t yank His control back. Instead, He often lets us take the reins, since we think we know so much. What He knows, though is that one day we’ll come running back to Him because we’re not equipped to do his job. When things go wrong we'll remember that we are outside our lane, and we'll be eager for Him to step in and clean up the messes we’ve made.
How much easier would our lives be if we learned to stay in our own lane all the time? How much farther along would we be if we realized that with Him at the helm and in complete control, there is never a mess to clean up? At this crucial time, we must leave things in His hands. This doesn't’ meant we do nothing; it means that we allow Him to take care of what’s His. If He gave the ideas and the businesses to us, why would He not take care of them? He wants us to succeed, but we must know what our role is and what His role is.
So if you’re feeling like God dropped an idea on you and then rolled out, change your perspective. He did not, and it is time for you to get back in your lane as child and let him be Abba Daddy.
Thinking about your business, ask yourself theses questions:
How much of God’s responsibilities have I assumed?
When was the last time I treated Abba as Father and Partner, rather than as employee that I need to complete specific tasks?
How can I pray for my business in ways that remind myself and acknowledge to God that I realize He’s in charge? In other words, what about my business can/should I surrender back to Him?
Our Father loves us, and he’s not in the habit of giving poison to His children. Once we turn what’s His back over to Him, we will find the peace and success we desire.
Listen to “Good Good Father” by Chris Tomlin to be reminded that God is good, that He has good intentions for us, and that we are loved by Him.

Dr. Rhonda Alexander helps leaders and entrepreneurs uncover and discover their best! As an author, professional speaker, and coach, she connects with people who are looking to fulfill their purpose and walk effectively in their life’s calling. Her books, EntrHERpreneur and Your Life’s Calling, can be purchased on, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes. Her newest e-book, Side Hustle or Sustainable, is now available for direct download. She is also available for group and individual coaching. Contact Dr. Rhonda directly at