Affirmation: “I am open to the ideas inspired by God. He can use anyone or anything to bless me.”
Scripture: Isaiah 43:18-19
Song: "New Thing" by Darrel Walls

None of us knows what God is up to in this season. Life as we have we have known it is on pause, if not completely changed forever. For many of us, this represents an abrupt disruption of our business models, routines, and ways of life. In all cases, we are facing unknown circumstances and unpredictable outcomes.
Though I am sharing these devotionals with you, I am not exempt.. My business has been effected from the classes I teach to the clients I work with. Everything has changed, and I don’t know when they’ll be the same, if they ever will.
Our scripture today, however, reminds us that there are periods of time when God discards the old and introduces the new. He tells us to forget our old ways and routines and to refrain from dwelling on the past. He also reassures, us though, saying that as a result of this transition, new ways will be made and new trails will be blazed. The question is: as this “new thing” springs up, are you able to see what’s happening? Are you able to make the necessary shift?
This is a period of adjustment for us all. Out of this calamity, great things will be born. New industries will be formed, and life will go on in a whole new way. This is a season, to embrace change by looking with an open heart the new things that are happening around us.
So the key word, today, is adjust. We must rethink our businesses and our work. How will you thrive over the next 5 weeks or longer? What new thing are you being led or called to do? It is important that you respond with an open heart and mind, ready to move with the move of God.
Today, if you find yourself wondering what you’re supposed to do (or if you know and are resisting) remember that this is the season to be open to the ideas inspired by God. He can use anyone or any thing to bless us.
Stay worshipful today. Listen to “New Thing” by Darrel Walls during your time of meditation and prayer. It is a powerful worship and prophetic moment that will bless you for sure.

Dr. Rhonda Alexander helps leaders and entrepreneurs uncover and discover their best! As an author, professional speaker, and coach, she connects with people who are looking to fulfill their purpose and walk effectively in their life’s calling. Her books, EntrHERpreneur and Your Life’s Calling, can be purchased on, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes. Her newest e-book, Side Hustle or Sustainable, is now available for direct download. She is also available for group and individual coaching. Contact Dr. Rhonda directly at